Tuesday, January 31, 2006
Just went out with the Zelvarians yesterday night. As always, since it's been a rarity meeting up with them, I just can't help but make extra time for them. I can't help it. No matter how long I don't see them, they're still a special bunch. =) It seems to be kenneth's birthday, so cheers dude. Anyway, darren went to pick me up in his uncle's Nissan Sunny. Seems like he just got his license 2 weeks ago. So cool! I'm envious. But anyway, it was a bad day for him. I did feel he was driving a bit recklessly, but still, not enough to cause a major accident. Nevertheless, shit happened. He crashed both his side lights in two separate events. I was with him on the second one. Ok, it was not serious, but he was really feeling like he's in a deep shithole. Seriously, never seen him so depressed before. I understand that, yeah, it's a car, and that cannot be taken lightly, so if it happens, learn from it. Lucky it was just the sidelights. Imagine it was a major crash, that would have been something terrible. All the best dude in facing the music. Hope you come out fine. And I'm sure you will too.
You know, this really gave me a realisation that I'm responsible for the lives of people I give rides to. I will drive you guys safely, that's a promise. Besides, since I'm your chauffeur, I should be professional about it right? Well, till that time comes, you know you just have to keep wishing for me to pass that practical test!
Hmmm, St. Valentine's day is coming. I was just wondering about the story behind it. This is what I found. (There seems to be several different explanations to it.)
"One legend contends that Valentine was a priest who served during the third century in Rome. When Emperor Claudius II decided that single men made better soldiers than those with wives and families, he outlawed marriage for young men -- his crop of potential soldiers. Valentine, realizing the injustice of the decree, defied Claudius and continued to perform marriages for young lovers in secret. When Valentine's actions were discovered, Claudius ordered that he be put to death.""According to one legend, Valentine actually sent the first 'valentine' greeting himself. While in prison, it is believed that Valentine fell in love with a young girl -- who may have been his jailor's daughter -- who visited him during his confinement. Before his death, it is alleged that he wrote her a letter, which he signed 'From your Valentine,' an expression that is still in use today. Although the truth behind the Valentine legends is murky, the stories certainly emphasize his appeal as a sympathetic, heroic, and, most importantly, romantic figure. It's no surprise that by the Middle Ages, Valentine was one of the most popular saints in England and France."http://www.historychannel.com/exhibits/valentine/?page=historyBasically, it's from this site, but I felt that these two were more significant, but not necessarily true. Majority of humans will always choose the more scintillating story to lie to themselves that everything in life is just plain good. I'm not saying that life is bad, but sometimes, you have to taste the bitter side of things and accept it. I'm not a historian, so I don't know truth from fiction here, but you know, I can only hope that people of the past are presenting to us the right things of the past.
Speaking of Valentine's Day, I can only wish for a happy relationship like this one. I LOVE Sakura Kinoshita of Cardcaptor Sakura for damn long sia. I think she's the perfect kind of girl for me. Haha. Well, in manga terms anyway.

Look at that. Aren't they adorable? Cheers to the greatest couple in manga, Sakura and Ahmad. =) (Ooops. I mean Syaoran.)
There's a thin line between fiction and reality. Sure, we can make reality out of fiction, and fiction out of reality, as showcased in Dan Brown's books. Half-fiction, half factual. That's the best kind of book you can read. Michael Crichton's books are good in that sense too. (I highly recommend it.) Anyway, before I get way out of point, some manga readers cling to the lifestyle in the manga too closely. But nevertheless, when they act it out in reality, it is rather cute. Take a look at this photo.

I think this is hilarious. I can imagine this happening in a manga. So cute. Lol. I'd sure like to see this happening in life, either because of clumsiness or the wahpiangwadthehellisthistut feeling.
Daena, got your file ready. I'm going to try the yousendit thing. Hope it works. Sorry I left in such a hurry. We'll catch up soon yup. Take care.
11:15 AM
Wednesday, January 25, 2006
Advanced Through
Hohoho. I'm pretty happy right now. Just passed my Final Theory Test (FTT) yesterday. Woot. I must say, it was kind of tough. I take back my words of saying that it was easy. The questions are quite slick, always trying to deceive you to choose a deceptively right wrong answer. And since you're only given a maximum of 5 wrong answers, every question does count. Nevertheless, I really worked for it, and flashed a smile when I saw the "PASSED" come out on the screen. YEAH!!! Driving license, here I come. Better be at top form. =)
Was just watching the Roger Federer/Nikolay Davydenko match just now. That was one of the most heart-thumping tennis matches I've seen. It's complete with wonderful winner shots, frustrating unforced errors, and raw spirit from both sides of the court. I'd say Federer is not on his top form just now. He just didn't exhibit that same skillfulness I saw last year. Nevertheless, he is extremely good. No doubts about that. Keep going man!
I've been thinking about mirrors nowadays, and what I percept it to be. I always used to think that mirrors were the gates to another world, an alternate dimension. The image of yourself and your environment in it is all an illusion, a defence that prevents us from transversing through. When I was a kid, I'd test this guardian (which is the "me" there) by observing every movement he does, and try to spot a mistake. Alas, you know how futile that is. Haha. I still do it once in a while. That child in me still refuses to give up. Wonder what lies on the other side. =)
Today, we have been slaughtered by, get this, "The Angel Of Death". It's a nickname my platoon gave to an instructor when I was a trainee in OETI. When he speaks, oh my, I just feel like dying. I don't know if it's because of the monotonous tone, or the sianjupua face, but he really drives me to sleep. It's hard, really hard, to open our eyes. As one friend said, "It's like he's sucking out our soul." He is indeed, The Angel Of Death. Today was the first day. I still have 2 weeks with him. Someone please save me! -_-
Just got back with my wife today. The new action feels awesome! Feels like an electric if you ask me. I play even better now, but it's still a long road ahead. I really want to perform, so I must work hard, really hard, to improve my skills. Cost me 120 bucks though. I really should save up more soon, but someone's birthday is coming soon. Someone so humble that she wrote a journal of things she'd like on her birthday. Haha. Well, it helps though. I admire the fact that she's open to it and is not too secretive on what she wants. I'll try to meet her demands. There goes another expensive month. Not that I mind though. "True friends stick together". ;) All the best True Friend #4. (Forgot what number le.)
Oh, a toast to Kobe Bryant on scoring 81 points single-handedly in his recent game against Toronto Raptors. That must have been one hell of a night.
9:04 PM
Sunday, January 22, 2006
Someone, Get His Pulse!
I just went through a moment of excruciating pain today, physical pain to be precise. Gee, what the hell, &^%^&$&$, that's what I wanted to scream out till even the eskimos can hear me from the equatorial island of Singapore. What a terrible moment, something I had to bear for minutes, but felt like it lasted hours. Well, months actually. This problem has been plaguing me for quite some months already, except that it only recently activated itself to torture me in endless pain. It's a good thing that it's over, but hell, I don't think this will the last I'll feel it. Something tells me it'll be back, even stronger than this one. I'll be ready for you, evil one. I'll be damn sure to be ready. Till then, RIP.Ha. Went to return two DVDs today at sgoon gardens (Sound Of Music and Swordfish), courtesy of VideoEZY, which probably is gonna be one of the places in Singapore I'll visit in high frequency. I love it there, and though not many people may be able to appreciate such a place, I feel it's some place I'll look forward to in working with. Movies, air-con, a bit of snacks and drinks, and a chair. Heaven. Hmm, only time will tell.

Support VideoEZY guys. Haha.
Speaking of work, there's a few places I've been considering working for after my NSF days are over. HMV (imagine all the dvds and cds I can buy at lowered prices), Swee Lee (if they even have a job vacancy. any guitar shop would do actually. haha), Fish & Co (cos I really like their polo tees), and event companies (i think they're pretty fun). Not that I can join that many at one time, but I'll move from time to time. I may settle in at HMV. Till I find more interesting places to work, these are my top choices.
Met et at her workplace. The tiramisu's not bad, but I can't say the same for the "Rum & Raisins". Didn't really like it, or maybe it's because I've never tasted something like it before. Gonna try more flavours next week. It's been hot lately. Ice-cream really helps. Gelato to be more precise.
"Gelato is an Italian frozen dessert made from milk (or also soy milk) and sugar, combined with other flavourings. The gelato ingredients (after an optional pasteurisation) are super-cooled while stirring to break up ice crystals as they form. Like high end ice cream, gelato generally has less than 35% air - resulting in a dense and extremely flavorful product.
Gelato has become a generic Italian word for ice cream, though true gelato contains no cream. The same word is commonly used in English speaking countries to refer to "ice cream" that is prepared in the Italian way."
Taken from Wikipedia. Wikipedia is quite an awesome site. It has information on just about anything. I would say that all its historical, scientific and even comic details are pretty accurate. Heck, you can even find the full details of the X-Men or Spiderman sagas there, in vivid detail. Definitely a site worth seeing. (Psst: Even Felicia Chin's in it. Haha. Don't go bonkers now guys.) Thanks again et. Thought I could at least chat with you, but you seem rather occupied. Oh well, next time. \(^^,)/
I met lynn today too. Guess how? She was the girl behind the counter of VideoEZY. Of all places to meet, it had to be there. Haha. It was a gleeful moment. I like meeting people unexpectedly like this. You'd talk for a while, laugh a little here and there, and catch up from the time you last met, all that in a short moment. It may not be informative down to the last detail, but at least you know, we're all connected somehow. It's good to know she's doing ok and looking good. Hope to see her in future again. Take care.
You know, I'm pretty sure there are people I don't know of who's reading all this. Usually, I'll only invite those I know to read this blog. It's nothing too personal, but yeah, if you're even human, you should respect what I'm asking of you. I never liked to peep into other people's lives without them being aware of it, and I'd never probe into anything unless they wish to open up to me themselves. It's because I respect that everyone has their own problems, their own special memories they'd rather keep to themselves. What's the use of going to a party you're not invited to. The end result would not be fulfilling, I'll tell you that. I'm just saying this, to anybody and nobody. The choice is yours to make. Only you would know if you should be here.
Ok, it ends here. I bit adieu. Take care peeps.
6:05 PM
Saturday, January 21, 2006
The Aftermath
First of all, I'd like to say happy birthday to mum, who turns 44 this year. Thanks for being such a dear mum, always being there for her son whenever he needs her. 44 is such a small number compared to the things you've done for me.
Ok, where shall I start? This is what I hate about breaks in blogging. It all piles up, and I have to write a long entry in the end. And sometimes, I forget all those good ideas in my temple too. Oh well, it happens. I'm not a geek who's feeding on computers every day anw. =) I'll try to make it short and sweet.
Let's see. Yesterday, went to west coast park to have a cohesion day. It's actually not for our BM course ppl, but somehow, we got in. Not that I mind. A day away from work really means a lot. Anw, west coast park is more beautiful than I had ever imagined. It's not like I saw the whole place, but the Macs was zen. There was a pond, trees around, and the morning ambience is amazing. If I ever needed a place to study, this would be it. Maybe when NTU comes along, this shall be my 2nd base of operations. The playgrounds there are damn big too. Adults are invited. Haha. Next time, I shall hold my bbq here. Looks rather fun. Y(^^,)

It looks like a chalet here. Taken from the Macs I was talking about.

My BM course people.
Went to "upgrade" my wife today. Lowering the action so that I can have a better time handling and pressing her neck. Quite glad that the guy-in-charge said she had not much of a problem, but it's gonna cost me 120 bucks. It's ok. I think it's a good investment to let him do his stuff on her body. A week of separation, so guess I have to busy myself with other things. I shall miss those slender curves, the smooth nect, the flowery tatoo of yours, your crisp brown texture. Argh, what shall I keep my hands on now?!?! Oh well, come back soon, my Fina guitar. =>
Tiramisu at Sketcher's tastes great. Can't say much about their main courses yet. Been there only twice. Shall experiment more on their menu in times to come. Here's a pic of their food mat, and an unfair pitcher of coke that costs 9 bucks. (They said 2 glasses of coke costs 8 bucks! What the..)

It's strange, how good it feels, to talk to someone who's so similar, so special, so rare in presence. Even in the long pause of anger, disappointment, happiness, eager anticipation, thoughts and memories, all that is put aside when both meet. So much to express, and yet so much to hold back. Did I truly express my heartfelt self, or was I behind a mask of insecurity and fear? Was I right in not saying the things I've longed to say for the better or worse? I do not know. All I know is, I love to talk to this person. No matter what, such a person is hardly ever replaced, and if ever, with great difficulty. It hurts as much as it relieves much joy in me. All I want right now, is to provide as many happy moments and wishes as I can. It may not be a ditto situation for me, but as long as I know what I want, I'm content, that I've met such a special person. Thank you, from the depths.
6:01 PM
Sunday, January 15, 2006
Full Metal Jacket

Just watched Full Metal Jacket today. Oh my, it's really a stupendous movie. Basically, it shows two parts. BMT and war. It sounds simple, but it actually means a lot to a NSF like me. I can somehow relate to it so closely, it scares me as well as the privates in the movie when Gunnery Sergeant Hartman mocks the shit out of everyone. It was that effective! Here's a brief idea of what the movie is about. (Took this from
www.imdb.com) Be sure to read the quotes from this excellent website about this movie. Mockery has never been so powerful. =)
"A two-segment story that follows young men from the start of recruit training in the Marine Corps to the lethal cauldron known as Vietnam. The first segment follows Joker (Modine), Pyle (D'Onofrio) and others as they progress through the hell of USMC boot-camp at the hands of the colorful, foul-mouthed Gunnery Sergeant Hartman (Ermey). The second begins in Vietnam, near Hue, at the time of the Tet Offensive. Joker, along with Animal Mother (Baldwin), Rafterman (Howard) and others, face threats such as ambush, booby traps, and Viet Cong snipers as they move through the city."

Attend hut! *salutes* "This is my rifle and this is my gun!"
This has only been my second war movie that I've ever watched in my life, the first being Schindler's List. (Ok, so it's not exactly a full-fledged war movie.) An excellent movie I must say. Moved me to tears. Now I know why war movies really bring in the bucks. Because it's both human and inhuman to watch, a winning combination. War is evil, but there's something about it that bonds humans together, on any side of the battlefield. The blood and bodies from the movie reminds us how war never brings a happy ending no matter who wins. There should never wars. And there should never be people who use war as his/her shield to unhumane acts, because these are the very people who start one. Alas, humans are unpredictable and uncontrollable.
You know, I've been thinking for a while now. I'm almost 20. It's such an audacious number. I think it's time I change my attitude towards things and people. Nono, not that I've been some rebellious Dennis the Menace, but, I find myself to be quite the childish one. I think I've been entertaining people so much like that, that I've not been thinking seriously. I'm slowly progressing out of it. It's about time. The real me shall emerge soon. But for now, I shall enjoy my youth. (^^,) (Dun pray pray ok! I'll always be young at heart.)
8:16 PM
Saturday, January 14, 2006
Temptation changes people. I believe in temptation being a cruel form of mental torture. Should I? Should I not? Why should I? Why I should not? Questions keep on rolling to encourage and discourage you to do something, up to the point where you're not even sure what you're thinking of in the first place. You lose track of your intentions, you lose yourself. That's when anything and anyone can change you to something you're not.
I support change, but please, be wise in the direction in which you take. Stay true, to yourself, and nothing else, because being a follower means having no other direction to go other than that of his/her masters. Please, stay true.
Went on a long walk in town today with a fren. An extremely long one at that, with a few pit stops to eat. =) Collected my Nokia 7610 from the Nokia Center at Wheelock, after a 1 month absence. Wad happened? Let's cut it short. It got crushed by a double decker SBS Bus Service 99 outside the bus stop of The Chevrons near Jurong. Haha. I must be the only idiot with something like that happening. Shall not elaborate. (^^,)
Went shopping all around town. Bought windows, windows, and more windows. Phew, that is surely one expensive shopping experience. ;) Lots of guitarists in town today. Think it's because of the Superband going around at Youth Park today. I'd never join something like this. I mean, Superband. Sounds a bit tut. Imagine you win it and like, people call your band Superband. Sounds like they're guys who wear their undies on the outside. Clark Kent would have been so proud! *sobs*
Oh, I met Hsing Chieh and Xin Yu today on my way back from the driving centre. Cheers to the gorgeous ladies, who still look great mind you. ^^ (Don't worry, I'm just complimenting.) Think they're applying for some test. Not sure if they're newbies, but all the best ladies.
Speaking of driving, I'm about finished with mine. Tomorrow's my last lesson. And 24th this months is my FTT. After that, all that's left is the TP. Please, let me run this final lap with all I can. Ok, not in the mood to put in pictures this time, so, hope this entry is not too boring to the eyes. Cya.
8:02 PM
Tuesday, January 10, 2006
Everyone wants to be remembered on their birthdays. I mean, it is their special day after all, a commemoration of that exact same day, but not date, they were born in. Early, on time, or belated, a simple message will definitely elate that person with a simple smile. (Of course, presents make those smiles even wider.) So lately, I've not been able to do that. Maybe I'm too occupied by my daily life, and isolation from most of friends, that it makes me forget completely. I'm sorry that my greetings are always late guys. As an apology, please bish my head if u see me on the streets. =)
Speaking of birthdays, it reminded me of kexin's one. I just managed to get this picture, courtesy of lixiang. Yay.

This was taken after her birthday, when we were on the way home. Haha. I'm paying for all that stuff on that counter. It's just so stupid, but I like this shot. It reminds me of how I'm free to express any idea, be it sane or insane, without worries. I like stupid things. I don't need to explain the term "stupid" in here. Heh.
I'm getting less and less enthusiastic about getting people birthday gifts now. Nevertheless, I try to do it. So since it's the new year, and you see this blog, I wanna make this short.
Ok, done. No need to worry about presents, cards, smses, bla bla bla oredi le. Yay!
K, tired now. Played DOTA till 4 am yesterday. Fun. Ciao.
4:43 PM
Monday, January 09, 2006
Sleeping Remedy
Here's an advertisement brought to you by Mad Inc.:
"Yes! For folks who find themselves rolling in bed night after night, being unable to transport themselves in the world of dreams, have I got a place for you. Sign up as a NSF technician and you'll have a 3-month holiday at a beautiful resort hotel called OETI. What's so special about this place? Oh, you'll definitely thank it's existence. Other than the wonderful staff that entertains you, it has a special magical air about it. It's mystical powers to quickly induce anyone to sleep in mere minutes has been a world record that's both astounding and unbelievable. Tourists who keep coming back have proven time and time again that this magical aura is here to stay. So what are you waiting for?! Book a spot in this wonderful resort now!!!"
Ok, please do not take it so seriously, but yeah, you can guess what I'm talking about. Today's my first day in Ayer Rajah Camp, OETI, in months. I just LOVE that place!! Argh, if only I could be posted there!! Ok, fact from fiction: THERE'S NO MAGICAL AURA! BUT! That place drives me to sleep no matter where I am. Haha. It's amazing. I thought I'd get used to it, but generations of NSF there have testified, it is one helluva sleepyville. Not that it's stale and boring. It's just the way it is. (If it's ever torn down, I'm gonna establish an insomnia clinic there. I'd make millions!)
And by the "wonderful staff", I do mean it. The people there are just amazing and friendly. They've got years of experience and stories to amuse you, and are at any time, FRIENDLY. Mr Prem, one of my intructors back then, still remembers me. He's a crazy nut, cracking jokes with ease anytime. There's still more, but it's no use making this journal entry like the credits to a blockbuster movie. It's good to be back. It sure is. =)
I was just looking around in room today, and I realise how I've got quite a number of soft toys given to me by friends throughout the years. It's just amazing they're all still here. (I'm the God Of Losing Things.) Take a look.

Starting from left, a teddy bear I won as a prize in a lucky draw at ZHSS, some TY toy my sis bought, a gift from a fren, another one my sis bought for me, a TY from dunno who, another TY from anoynymous. Had no more space in my room, so I placed them on top of my cupboard. Haha. Quite old.

This is my current fave. Another gift from a special friend. Every time I look at it, it just looks so freaking cute la. Haha. Bought it for me cos said it look like me. Haha. Where got?! *bish* I dunno deny the cute part though. Y(^^,)>

This is one of my faves too. So called, my mascot! Haha. Well, I used to have a nickname U-Gui. (It means turtle in chinese.) Won't tell you the reason behind that nick.

Last but not least, cute no?! Haha. I love this one. Brings back lotsa memories. (^^,) I'll just leave it at that.
Quite a zoo eh? Haha. Thanks to the friends who gave things to remember. I always treasure everything you've given me. (PS: Daena, yes, that rock you gave me is still here. Oh, even the grass u took from ZHSS compound is still quite green. Haha. It's all here. Thanks for the most unique presents ever! I award you the trophy of Best And Fastest Birthday Presents ever!)
Ok, enough blogging. Time to get back to reality. Bye folks, and Selamat Hari Raya Haji. To the chinese folks out there, it's your time to enjoy. Hohoho.
8:59 PM
Sunday, January 08, 2006
Worst Driving Ever
Dots. I drove rather terribly today. Kids using the electric cars under the void deck will definitely outclass me. Think they drive much more safer than me. Haha. After a month's break away from driving, I was really rusty. Struck the kerb twice, parking was horrigible, I was not smooth in transition, and I was really depressed ar. Ok, not so depressed that I'd commit a crash party, but, I was disappointed with the fact tt I'm nearing a TP soon, and with this kind of driving, I doubt a license is close at hand.
It's time to re-focus myself to that glittering safe driver on the road who'd do no wrong. Seriously, I MUST! I want to drive! I really do, for myself and others. Well, let me show you what I'd be driving after I get my license.

Hoho. This, my friends, is a Suzuki Liana. The only difference is that mine is golden in colour. I think the car is pretty good and cool. It has a digital speedometer and such, it's really spacious, and is affordable. I'm gonna have a good time with it, I just know it! =P Keep wishing me guys. I'm gonna need it.
Passed my advanced theory trial test too today. Gonna try even harder to pass it soon.
Ok, I know this is nothing really special, but to me it is. I saw a chicken at a bus stop. Haha. I dunno where the hell it came from, but it was sure funny to see one. It looked like it wanted to take a bus. I wonder if it's returning home after a hard day's work at the chicken pen. Hope it's safe. (A colonel might be lurking somewhere in the dark for it.)
On a side note, I liked the King Kong fight with the 3 T-Rexes. (Tyrannosaurus Rex) Here's another match-up I'd like to see King Kong go against. Have fun rumbling. Y(^^,)> Wonder who'd win.

Tried Chocolate Of A Thousand Leaves at Coffee Bean & Tea Leaf yesterday. It was so-so. I wouldn't really recommend you buying it. Oh, Sushi Tei rocks balls! Gonna bring more money next time and spend like crazy.
11:43 AM
Saturday, January 07, 2006
3 Vees.

Today's the day I officially become a sergeant. Hohoho. YEAH!!! Well, I'm more excited about the money I'll be getting than the rank actually, but being a sergeant has been one of my pre-NS goals actually. Feeling good about it. It also means that from today, it's officially 10 months to my ORD day. Finally, it's been this long huh. Halfway through, so I must hang on. Not that I despise what I'm doing to the max, but I'd love to come back to civilian life soon. That's when the chains that's bogging me down now will be lifted. =P
Well, I've met a lot of interesting people so far. I juz met this guy called Dawn Yeo, who I was doing duty with on thursday. He's studied in Australia all his life, after finishing his primary school here. He lives on a piece of land near the top of a hill, and has a clear view, with every meal at home, of the suburbs, which I think is awesome. This guy's place is definitely one I'll be going to visit if I go australia. It's damn easy to talk to him, cos he likes movies, and is an uncanny fan of X-Men. Haha. Wah, this is only the second person that I can talk about US comics to. (Darren was the first.) He knew his stuff in and out, and all those things I didn't manage to understand about all the X-Men sagas, he managed to make it mostly clear. Hohoho. Hail hail. (^^,)
Going to Paradise Island starting monday. What paradise u say? Of course, it's Ayer Rajah Camp, OETI! Ah, the memories. Love that place. But I'm doing some armour vehicles I think. That's kinda scary. Oh well.
I'm starting to learn a little bit of Adobe Photoshop. It's kind of cool, so I'm exploring what it can do. Look at my wife, Fina. She looks awesome rite? I love how it looks over here.

Well, that's about it. Getting back on track for driving. Better clear that advanced theory test soon. I've been slacking too much. Get cracking ahmad!!!
8:48 AM
Monday, January 02, 2006
There's no better way to welcome the new year than with a big bang. Fireworks of course. I gotta tell you, I'm in love with fireworks. Salutations to the chinese forefathers who discovered this glorious invention. (I bet they knew how to party. =P) It was only me and jasmine this time. Went to Sheare's Bridge near Esplanade to watch it. I'm quite glad I decided to go there and watch it. We were directly in front of the launch pad, 50 meters away, sitting on the railings of the bridge. It was a really nice view, with no obstructions this time round, unlike the Fireworks Festival back in 2003, where I sat near the Esplanade bay. The only trouble is getting there. We had to pass through puddles, grass, mud, and our sense of indirection, just to get there. It was fun though, cos talking really takes your mind off these things. So after long walks and doubts, we managed to reach the place.
The atmosphere was full of excitement. There were these Chinese tourists. I've never seen someone so excited and thrilled about fireworks before it even started. I'm not saying it's boring, but, being in Singapore all these years, I don't find many things here thrilling anymore. It was nice to hear laughter and all that. Makes me think of my younger days. Ok, I'm not a lao ah pek yet, but yeah, growing into adulthood makes you think back.

The fireworks began. And boy, was it a great feeling. I mean, you could really hear the bang in your ears, and even the wind effect from the explosions. Awesome! It lasted 10 full minutes, and although it may not be the best fireworks around, it was definitely awesome. There's just simply one word to say about it. Beautiful. Simply beautiful.
Thanks jas. Cos we were bums at home who had nothing to do, it was possible. Haha. For putting up with all the walking that nite, I will prevail in driving! And I'll come pick you up anytime. =)
Hope everyone will have a great year ahead. 10 more months, and I'm back to civilian life baby! =P Brings tears to my eyes. Haha. Ok, stopping here.
8:11 PM