Monday, February 20, 2006
Hynotizing Music
I don't know why, but Gwen Stefani's "Luxurious" gives me that hypnotic feeling everytime I listen to it. I'm not sure why, but I am quite enticed by that kind of background music. Maybe because I used to listen to those old school hip hop, where sounds like this was common, that it strikes a heavy influence in my heart. It moves me somehow. People may say that the song may not be good, but I don't know, I'm too hypnotized by it. Heh heh. I think that any girl that confesses to me with this song will surely win me over, like a cobra to a flute.
Oh, and the funny thing is, I mistook Gwen Stefani with Gloria Estefan. I don't even know why I even know the name Gloria Estefan. I mean, seriously, it's freaking me out, because I don't recall anything at all about even thinking about Gloria Estefan. Must be a hidden memory or something. I shall investigate.
Oh, dinner is really nice today. Haha. I await more interesting stories. (^^,)
Over and out. I have to be prepared for Adam Khoo's workshop tomorrow. 2 days of those "Improve your self esteem by placing your money in us" workshop. I mean, seriously, why, oh why, did the army have to prolong my misery!! Haha. Haiz, well, days away from work seem to be worth this extra misery. What's a more terrible word than misery? Please tell me so I can describe how I feel at work now.
12:04 AM
Saturday, February 18, 2006
Digging The Past (Part 1) - Exo-Squad

Exo-Squad was one of my favourite TV series when I was young. It broadcasted from 1993 to 1995, spanning 2 seasons. I didn't get to watch it till the end, but, it was definitely good, I could tell. I got stuck to the TV like glue because of them, and I even collected their toys. Alas, the toys got destroyed by my cousins. I don't know where they are now, and that breaks my heart. Those were classic, good toys. I would always make that "woosh woosh" and "pyong pyong" noises, depicting a battle between good and bad. Those were the days when imagination ran wild, and you wouldn't care about being opinionated. I lived in Boon Lay back then. Just me, the toys, and my little room. How I miss those times.
I can't remember the whole storyline, but I knew it was a battle between aliens and humans. Both parties have Exo-Frames, suits that they get into, with a whole array of cool weapons and powers. It's a winning combination for any boy at my age back then. I remember the awe I felt from just looking at them, imagining if I'll ever get a suit that cool. (Hopefully, I can build a suit of my own when I'm rich enough. Heh.) Anw, war wages, and plots unfold, yadda yadda yadda. I shall read about it all over again. It's bringing smiles to my face, just remeniscing those moments. For now, just take a look at the toys I used to have (note: USED TO HAVE).

Cheers to a great cartoon of my time. Missing you.
3:27 PM
Wednesday, February 15, 2006
I've been returning my rented VideoEZY dvds late like crazy. I think I'm getting a gold olympic medal soon for it. Haiz. Just remembered today that I still have yet to return my dvd. It's Saving Private Ryan. The worst part of it all? I haven't even watched it yet! What a loser. You must be thinking that. Argh! Just what the hell have I been doing these days?! I don't know, but I'm starting to hate the computer more nowadays. No, it's not the performance. It's just that, I seem to make it a daily routine to touch the computer. Knowing me, I tend to do things by reflex. Like sometimes, I just barge out of my room and straight into the kitchen several times to find food or drinks. But the thing is, I'm not hungry or thirsty. So in the end, I'll just stand there like a fool, and think to myself: Huh?
Reflex actions are not bad actually. It makes life so much easier, because you're so familiar with what you want to do that it seems almost effortless. But hmmm, if there's too much of it, you'll get me. Here's a list of reflex actions that I, Mr Ahmad, somehow happen to notice:
1. When I go into the bathroom, I take out my shirt. (Point is, I'm not even intending to bathe. What the hell la Ahmad.)
2. My hands will always look for the light switches unknowingly, everywhere I go in my house. (I like to save energy, so I spend lots of energy flicking switches on and off. Think I'm growing some amazing powers here.)
3. I'll tap 4/5 areas to check my belongings quite regularly, mainly for my wallet, keys, handphone, watch and a bracelet. (Hey, I've lost too many things already, and almost lost the most important things. It's a good reflex ok! Although a little scary when you feel that one of the things are not there. Brrr.)
4. In town, sometimes I tend to get to the wrong place because of the usual routes I take. My body will just drift away on its own. (Hmmm, maybe that's why I get those deja vu feelings sometime?)
Well, that's about all I can remember right now. But yeah, there have been rather funny times. I just can't recall. Oh well, that will have to do. Note to self: RETURN THAT DAMN DVD! Argh! Imagine all that money I could have saved from the overdue fines.
There's something I'd like to ask here. Do I look approachable? It seems like, I attract quite a lot of people. And by people, I mean, strangers. Utterly complete strangers. There was once I was walking towards the traffic light to cross over to the bus stop near my house, and suddenly, this car stopped in front of me. I thought: Oh gosh, I'm going to get kidnapped today. But no, the woman in the passenger seat said, "Boy ah. Do you know how to get to Hougang Mall?" I mean, how often does a car stop beside you to ask these questions? (And a simplistic one too.) And in another separate event, I was approached by this army fellow who knew nothing about MMSing, or about handphones for that matter. So I had to teach him for like minutes, explaining to him about Bluetooth, Infra-Red, GPRS, GPRS Plans, yadda yadda. And I wasn't really the only person in the bus, so hmm, yet another coincidence. There have been a lot of times too when I gave people directions in town or near my home. There were two ladies who asked me to take photographs for them. There was this street promoter who wanted to sell me perfume and we got into a heated debate when she called me an NCC boy, and we exchanged numbers. There were these teenage girls who, of all people, asked me to take pictures for them, and I was with another girl, and they were like "Oh-oh, are we disturbing" kind of reaction. (I think they were trying to hook me up. Haha. Cute.) Argh, there's a lot la. I'm okay with helping, by all means, ask me. It's just that, I always thought I looked very "GWAR!". It's funny to think they'd approach me. Heh. Oh well, it's just a thought. Think I'm going to ask all my friends this question, although I'm quite sure I'll get shitty replies. =)
I've been rather confused lately. I wish I had someone I can talk to right now about it. (Cue: Daena!!!) Lol. Haiz, you nut. I really want to talk to you. I'm having duty this saturday, and will be back sunday morning. Hope to see you, really do. I have certain issues to raise, and I think you'll have a good time about it. (Note: Good can be an omen.) I don't even know why I'm blogging about it here. See, this is the extent of my confusion. Hyah.
10:05 PM
Sunday, February 12, 2006
It's something which I don't really express by much, maybe because, I'm too pre-occupied with thoughts in my mind to make faces. Most of my friends see me as being quite a sad/moody guy. I'm not too sure, but sometimes, I get a tad irritated by that comment. (Well, you can't expect me to smile 24/7 do ya??) Yes, I may be tired, but I'm not a Droopy kind of guy, I assure you. When I look at myself in the mirror, yeah, I understand why some people see me as a sad guy. I don't blame you, people! =P But you know, I can let you in on a little secret. I am sad at times, thinking of the past, so if you catch me at that time, buy 4D, because it doesn't happen by much. But I try not to show it. I don't like to share this feeling to anyone, because my burdens are mine alone. So I always laugh, because laughter always brings out the natural smile in anyone. I make cold jokes, as well as real jokes, to bring out that smile in me. It's not fake, but I've found, through tedious research, that I SUCK AT SMILING. Yes friends, I do feel that way. I can't guarantee anything nice, but as requested, I'll smile much more these days okay. Bear with me.
Speaking of faces, I'm starting to notice people more, new and old. It's not like I don't know what faces are shown when people are sad, happy, angry, blablabla, but, I like seeing my friends' expressions. Some of them are just so cute, it makes them rather appealing. (Ahem, this theory mostly applies to the ladies.) I didn't notice it before, but hah, I really do have the cutest friends alive. Heh heh. Such a compliment, and most of them won't be able to know it beacuse of this blog. Kekeke. But that's alright. It's just what I feel like writing, the thoughts in my mind. It doesn't have to be spread to them. (And if you do find out about this somehow, don't hao lian.) It's always great to discover something new about friends. It can amaze you, and it can startle you, but it's always good to know. Let's hang out more, so I can see more of those faces. (Maybe take a pic or two too.)
I took an age test, and they told me I was 21. Heh heh. I'm nearing 20, yet, I have a higher maturity in thought. Lol. Well, not like I really believe it, but it doesn't kill to play along. Here's what it means.
Under 12: You are a kid at heart. You still have an optimistic life view - and you look at the world with awe.13-19: You are a teenager at heart. You question authority and are still trying to find your place in this world.20-29: You are a twentysomething at heart. You feel excited about what's to come... love, work, and new experiences.30-39: You are a thirtysomething at heart. You've had a taste of success and true love, but you want more!40+: You are a mature adult. You've been through most of the ups and downs of life already. Now you get to sit back and relax.Taken from: browsing through the net, and I found a rather interesting picture. If only it was true, that's be so cool!

It's like a life-size gundam robot man! WTF! Doesn't it make you feel like this picture was taken inside some super secret military base in Japan, whereby the photographer is a super spy, risking his life just to publish this amazing super incredible secret project! It made me kind of excited eyeing this picture. Alas, it can't be true. I guess it may be for some Cosplay even of something. But hey, it made my day. =)
I regretted saying the wrong word this week. "Irritating". I'm sorry, this is really not the word I wanted to express, but you know, at that time, I was really feeling quite irritated. But if you know me well, deep inside, that's not what I wanted to say. If I were to rephrase what I said that night, it's "Disappointing" and "Pending". I can't deny that it was of pure feelings in the past, but with time, it's been a rather complicated journey to where I am now. This is for you, who can understand what I'm writing about. Please don't take me in the wrong light. I'd definitely like to talk it out more next time. It's something that you guys deserve to know.
Ok, that ends my day. I've got a route march tomorrow. Lights out.
Song of the day: More Than This by Norah Jones featuring Charlie Hunter
I could feel at the time
There was no way of knowing
Fallen leaves in the night
Who can say where they´re blowing
As free as the wind
And hopefully learning
Why the sea on the tide
Has no way of turning
More than this
There is nothing
Oh more than this
You tell me one thing
More than this
You know there's nothing
It was fun for a while
There was no way of knowing
Like a dream in the night
Who can say where we´re going
No care in the world
And maybe I´m learning
Why the sea on the tide
It has no way of turning
More than this
You know there is nothing
Oh more than this
You tell me one thing
More than this
There is nothing
More than this
You know there is nothing
Much more than this
You tell me one thing
More than this
There is nothing
More than
10:18 PM
Saturday, February 04, 2006
The Pace I'm In
I can almost feel myself. That self-awareness that is often neglected or not realized. What is it that I can say that defines me. What is an Ahmad Iskandar who's from Singapore and lives in Hougang? How can I describe myself? Often, we take for granted that we always spend more time learning about others than ourselves. Well, enough neglection. The time for me is now. =)
Well, it's not like I'm desperate to know who I am. I've been living for almost 20 years now, and it's just conscience which plays on you. There are just days when you realise something and say, "Oh!", in conjunction to a realisation of something simple yet pleasing to know. Haven't you had those days before? I'm sure everyone has. I can't remember what my moments of that kind are, but I sure remembered feeling very stupid after that. Lol.
Hmmm, this is not really a profile about myself. More like, what I've learnt about myself.
I'm the kind of guy who loves to pace from place to place in a very "walk-down-the-aisle-cos-i'm-getting-married" speed. I don't like to rush for just about anything, unless I feel it's needed. I am the sort to go the extra mile to do things that won't trouble people, even if it tires me more and frustrates me in the end. I hardly question people's intentions for just about anything, unless it's so obvious that it needs to be question. I'm always taking the hard route unknowingly, but I won't regret taking it. I am always aware of time, and believes that everything runs in certain timings. I worry a lot, but for a good cause, and because I really care. I am shy, but I try to stand up for myself and try new things and say remarks that may not be entirely acceptable by the majority. And I'm very clueless on a lot of things, but I take extra effort in catching up by listening and picking up from there through self research and experience. I'm level-headed on a lot of things, and rarely bursts out in anger, and even if I do, it's justifiable. I live to entertain people by being the fool, but I'm in fact serious in nature, and only expresses that when the situation arises of if I feel that there's something wrong. I'm very willing, but I've learnt that sometimes, it's not really a good thing. I like to be appreciated for the things I do, but I don't show it. And I love talking to people. *it goes on*
Well, that's just a shitload of information there, but you know, it's for myself. The list goes on, and as long as I know this is what I am like, I'm pretty satisfied I've been doing it naturally. I hope conscience of myself does not become a weapon of restriction instead, because it's useless to think of natural things. For me, thinking about how I breathe is VERY stressful. Better let it flow naturally.
So now, I can pay better attention to you, my friends. You can always count on me, to know everything about you, to realise your little habits and actions, and to feel the person you really are inside. And I shall be able to make that list of you, that is unique only to yourself. I've been doing that all this while anyway. Heh. Take care guys.
10:49 PM