Sunday, March 26, 2006
V For Mayer
Today's a good day, albeit the accumulated fatigue that's been plaguing me for the past 1 month. And here's reasons why it is one.
1.Distributed coke light to the masses at bedok this morning. Things went very smoothly, and I got to meet all kinds of aunties, uncles and kids, all grinning in anticipation of getting a free chilled bottle. 'Free' is a powerful word. At the first moment, they're unsure of taking the bottle. Once they hear the word 'free' or 'pian fei' (not sure if i spelled correctly for the chinese term), there was a glimmer in their eyes and broad smile given. I'm not putting them down, but you know, how often do you get free goodstuff? They were all very polite to say 'thank you' or 'xue xue' when they received one, but it leaves to wonder, what if it was not free? Hmmm. I'm getting too skeptical of Singapore. Alas, I'm still happy because I get to keep their Coke Light shirt. Haha. I love it!
2.Met up with kai xin. (thanks for correcting the spelling of your name after nearly more than 3 years knowing you. heh.) She's still the same, save for her hair, as she dyed it in the brown range of colours. Looks nice on ya yup. Haven't seen this girl for more than a year, and it's good to know that there's lots to catch up on. I always brag about how we started knowing each other, and I think it's pretty cool. It's basically like this. I commented that she was cute to a fren. Somehow it got to her, and she thought I liked her. I was approached by my female classmate who asked, with a serious face, "Ahmad, u like kai xin is it?" I was a bit surprised, and could not surmise why it came to that at first. After the realization, I went up to her and talked it out. Been good friends ever since. Haha. All this was during my first three months in srjc. Srjc is still a good memory I hold. =)
3.Watched V For Vendetta. My god. The dialouges were powerful, and concept, stupendous. It's been such a long time since I've enjoyed such an intelligent movie. The cast was perfect and the scenes are well organised. The action scenes and theatrics were more than enough of a bonus. And lastly, V is just damn bloody cool la! I'll put the two thumbs up for this one. Think weilien will have trouble coming soon from me. Haha. (Watch out dude! You know what I want!) If there's one thing that I regretted about the movie, it's about not catching some of the dialouge with clarity. I want to read the script.
4.Finished downloading the 2nd volume of johnmayer tv appearances, after two days. Browsed through just now. Looks really great! Shall savour it tomorrow.
Thanks kaixin for a wonderful day of catching up on lost time. Take care yup.
"I want to be pi. It just goes on and on..." - John Mayer
(Heard this on one of his interviews. He was talking about his music. May not be entirely accurate, but the concept is there.)
Note to self: Find out about Redang, Malaysia.
12:17 AM
Friday, March 24, 2006
Mr Centipede
"When you first came here and asked to discuss how I approached a problem, I panicked. Because I really don't know. I think it's like asking a centipede which leg comes after which. I have to think a while, try to look back and quote some problems." - Richard P. Feynman
That's one of the conversations that Richard Feynman and Leonard Mlodinow (a fellow physicist as well) had in the book "Feynman's Rainbow". I think he's such a powerful guy. Never short of words to amaze you. If not in vocabulary, the concept more than makes up for it. Aside from all the theories, the book is interesting. If you ever want to cut it short, just read the conversations, which are italised. It's worth a read.
You know, now I do feel like a centipede, thinking back of all the panicky situations which I couldn't answer for. I'm always worried about a lot of things, and sometimes, it just messes up my mind. I'm even worse under peer pressure, but I try to handle it and calm myself. And now is one of the biggest tests in my life. I'm in a position where mental stress is stretched to the limit, and I feel like giving up. It's so demanding, I'll get fucked up down center with one false move. I can't take it anymore. I have no life in me now. I can't mingle with my friends with the same exuberance, fool around like some monkey, or even give my mind a time-off away from work. 7 months seems damn long with the post I'm holding now. I think everyone's noticed, I'm not that Ahmad from before. I can't answer them, and blame myself for bringing down the mood sometimes when I felt that I could offer more. It's damn irritating to think that I'm holding everybody else's rice bowl right now, with shackles on my hands and legs, and no sense of appreciation. Soon, my neck will be shackled too. Damn it. All they ever want is to cover their asses, because very soon, after tt ONE nsf is gone, the camp will soon wither and rot. I'll be waiting for the day you'll be in my shoes.
What's the line between a girlfriend and a girl-friend? Do we have to severe ties with everyone so as to please our girl? I don't know. My friend is having that problem now, and I feel, it's so wrong. It's not easy being in a relationship, especially when friends are involved. It's like deciding between water or air. You'll die eventually without either one. I wonder too, when I look back, whether I was like that when I was in a relationship. Hmmm.
Now, here are more goodies from youtube. Man, that site is really full of whacked things, if you search well enough. Have a look at these.
1.Freaking crazy. I wonder if too much ktv and mtv create this duo. english teachers and oral exams make the difference. can make celebrities out of you.Take notes from these guys. all you harry potter fans.Helps if you like john mayer as well. more la, but I don't want to be a youtube freak. Go and have a look for yourself. =)
My bed beckons. Nite people.
11:28 PM
Friday, March 17, 2006
Pacman Like You've Never Seen It Before
Haha. This is freaking hilarious. the hell. Think I'm going to do this in uni next time. Haha. Damn cute la the costumes. And Pacman actually screams when he's being chased around by ghosts. Guess the video game forgot that feature. =P Here's some other notable Pacman stuff. for my first physiotherapy at Nee Soon today, with a tinge of guilt and uncertainty. The thing about my camp is, or actually, my boss, he dislikes anything related to medical appointments and off. Mine's a combination of both, as I'm given off for this medical appointment. So there, I'm not sure if that qualified me to the semifinals of his Little Black Book Championship. One thing's for sure, this is one competition I'm not going to want to win. I don't know what to expect from this anymore, as I hate upsetting people. Hence, I can't really face him now. I know I can be a lil over-worried, (an irony there), but I'm just like that. Think I'm gonna set up a table, prepare both of us coffee and tea, and have a little talk with him. If you can't please someone, at least make them understand.
Went to search for my family's Suzuki Liana new generation model, and I chanced upon something interesting.'s this television series called 'Star In A Reasonably Priced Car' showing on BBC2. Haha. What the. And among the list, guess who drove my car? Simon Cowell. Another 'what the'. I only know of one other celebrity there. Jamie Oliver. Now who said my car's not popular? =P Here's the link to the show. Think it's quite interesting. want to take this chance to spread a little bit of jazz into your lives. Please have a listen to any of these songs whenever you can. It's really the true jazz, and I'm loving it. I can feel the beat and soul going through me almost entirely. Brings me close to tears. Heh. It's not compulsory, but it's a recommendation.
1.Raindrops Keep Falling On My Head by Bobbie Gentry
2.Rags To Riches by Tony Benett
3.Don't It Make My Brown Eyes Blue by Crystal Gale
4.What A Difference A Day Made by Sarah Vaughan
5.Just A Gigolo I Ain't Got Nobody by Louis Prima (this one's cute)
6.At Last by Lou Rawls and Dianne Reeves
7.Honey Honey by Ray Charles
8.More Than This by Charlie Hunter And Norah Jones (fave)
9.Lets Get Lost by Chet Baker
10.The Goodlife by Bobby Darin (meaningful)
11.It's A Good Day by Peggy Lee (cheery)
12.Fine Brown Frame by Nellie Lutcher
13.Something Happens To Me by Blossom Dearie (sensuous)
14.Can Anyone Explain by Ella Fitzgerald and Louis Armstrong
15.Nice Work If You Can Get It by Ella Fitzgerald
16.A Kiss To Build A Dream On by Louis Armstrong
17.Summertime by Joe Williams
18.Route 66 by Bobby Troup (groovy)
19.I Get A Kick Out Of You by Frank Sinatra
20.Papa Loves Mambo by Perry Como
21.Three Is A Magic Number by Bob Dorough (this is funny)
This is just a small list to introduce you to this genre I love. Jazz is amazing. Most of the singers have unique and wonderful voices. True artistes who are true to their songs. I respect all of them. Hope you will find joy as I have in these songs. =)
Ok, that's it. Anw, sorry lynn for forgetting to come online at 9. Haha. I told you I'm quite forgetful. Shall make ammends for that someday. Hope I answered your survey with valuable effect. Take care. I'm still holding on to that dinner. =)
"Science is what we have learned about how not to fool ourselves."Richard Feynman brilliant man. Read up on him.
5:50 PM
Wednesday, March 15, 2006
Musical-ly Wrong
Wad the. I just don't know what to say about this la. I like the manga and anime, but this! Argh, why oh why?! Read the comments section in that page. They share about the same sentiments. Haha.
11:06 PM
Was talking to my friend yesterday while I was outfield. He's going to ORD soon, but he's signing on to the army as an officer. I'm glad for him, even though I don't fancy a career in the army. At least being an officer is a saving grace. He's not the slacker kind, to join just because he can become an officer, but more on the fact that he wants to be the best officer there is. He's aiming for Guards Officer. Neat. Haha. All the best dude.
Anw, besides that point, we talked about his new relationship with this girl. It's a difficult situation for him, as both of them are like black and white in terms of background. (Not sure if that applies to the skin colour too. Haha. Ok, kidding. He's an indian btw.) His girl is an arab in origin, and a muslim to boot. My friend is an indian, and a christian. Once he finished stating this fact, I was like, whoa, oh my god. Haha. But no, I'm not against the pairing. It's just that, in the future, they will face a lot of complications, not because of them, but the external pressure that's placed on both individually. Christianity and Islam are very tedious religions. It's strict to the point where the people who marry the person must be of the same religion, or at least, converted to that religion. Both religions also offer differing views of their god, although it has been disputed that in context and content, it's almost the same. So here we have a big match-up between both religions in my friend's relationship. I'm wishing him all the best, and that somehow, they will find an answer to this. I'll be waiting for the answer.
There's an overseas excercise in October. I really want to go. I don't care if it's going to exceed my ORD, which is on 7th November. I just want to go! I'm going to keep pressing my OC to send me. Wish me luck guys.
Anw, take a look at this: is surely one whacked person. I'm speechless. If you have 11 min to spare, take a look yup.

I remembered the time when me and daena were talking at her house, about how there are very few good female guitarist. (Of course, this conversation after we talked about how good john mayer is.) I've found someone who's about john mayer's standard. Introducing Tristan Prettyman. Ok, don't mind the name, she's still female ok. She's the best fetarist (female guitarist) I've ever seen. Smooth in her vocals and smooth in her guitar at the same time. That's quite a hard thing to achieve, speaking from experience. Her skills are not all about chords and strumming, as is the case with most fetarists, but she handpicks and hammers away as easily as putting on your underwear. (No one can go wrong there.) I'm going to support her and john mayer. They're both my favourite guitarists right now. I'm leaving out the other guitarists I like right now, but I'll make a session on that for another day. In the meantime, visit her sites.'s 10 am here right now. So rare to be home on a weekday morning. I love it! But I've got to go soon. Still must report back to camp by 1. I'll just admire the morning right now. =) Bye.
9:31 AM
Monday, March 13, 2006
Chores. A word so sacred, it's banned from my house. It's something I've forsaken since long ago, and it still is at present. It doesn't seem to be able to cling to my head, but would somebody, oh somebody, please whack the word inside my head right now!! Argh!! My room is rather messy. I have to clean up soon. As a man, I have to take that step forward to set things right, so that the rulers of the house will be pleased by my actions, preventing storms and ritual sacrifices from happening. It's been pretty peaceful still, but I know, guilt just hangs on to me for its dear life every single day. I know my mum doesn't like the way my room is now, but I've been a sloth. I only clean my room when I feel like it, and let me tell you, that's a rare side of ahmad you'll ever see. Alas, now that I've written it, my butt is itching to set off and let me do my part of the chores. I'm almost 20. This shouldn't be the way I should live. Must train for my future wife!! Bless me on my arduous challenge. This will be my biggest ordeal yet.
PS: If I do not make it back alive, go to malaysia, buy a coney dog, and bury it in my grave.
Ok, I'm off. Better start cleaning up now and get the habit started, just like the way I restarted my habit of blogging. Let me admit one more crime of being a sloth at uploading pictures. Sorry dudes and babes, I'm too lazy to do that these days. Forgive me. In the mean time, enjoy this clip from youtube.
8:44 PM
Sunday, March 12, 2006
State Of Fear
Yesterday was one of the most freakish weather experiences in my whole 19 years in Singapore. I don't know about the other parts of the island, but Hougang was in a terrible state. The wind was so strong, metal frame boards were blown down with ease. I know, I was there. One just slammed down right beside me, and another unfortunate victim was hit by another one when I glanced back. Shelters looked useless as the rain poured in sideways, leaving no one spared from its wrath. So I thought, ok, that was one coincidence. So I walked through the NEL MRT underpass to go to the bus interchange, feeling the daft cold from the combination of my drenced clothes and air-con along the way. Emerging from there, I walked on, and right in front of me, before my very eyes, there was this tree that just broke and fell. It's a good thing no one was near it. It wasn't a skinny tree, it was rather big, so you can imagine the raw power of the wind. I walked on, focusing my mind with one goal: To get home. Nothing else mattered. (Except maybe for my Fina guitar which I brought that day. Heh.) Freaky day.
Well, aside from the stormy weather, that only took place at around 6. Before that, I was at Sentosa with xr, siting, kexin, yiping and puayhoon. Puay organised a beach volleyball outing. I originally saw a list of 11 people coming, and by word of mouth, I heard it could reach to more than 15. But hah, it was only 6 of in the end. Nevermind the numbers. I thought it was still fun at the end of the day. Yiping brought her volleyball. Everyone was told to meet at 8. I came there at 8.10, and I was scolding myself for being late. Surprise surprise, I am the first. THE FIRST!! Haha. Haiz, sad. I was tired the previous day and wished for more sleep. So yeah, to know that I'm late and first to reach, it's not a good achievement. Everyone reached at around 9. No matter, I was playing Something's Missing at the food court upstairs. (Ok la kexin, it's called Food Court, not Kopitiam. Sorry for the mistake.) I called it kopitiam, and because of tt, puay and kexin went to another place to find me. Haha. Fine, my bad.
With everyone gathered, we headed for Sentosa, Palawan Beach. (Correct spelling in malay is Pahlawan. I wonder why they never corrected that.) The beach sand was bloody hot, and coarse. After playing for 30 minutes, my sole was naked. It was quite painful, so I wore sandals to play. Other than that, I had no complaints. We are not pros, so the ball flew everywhere except into the court most of the time. Heh. There was a FHM photo shoot going on at that time, so I didn't mind picking up the ball when it headed their direction. Hohoho. Siting and xr were very cute. They did some funny dance, incuding the Singapore Workout. If they had it their way, it'd be the next big thing in clubs. At the end of the game, we had our own photoshoot, with FHM being our motivation. Haha. Not much of a success, yet not much of a failure. They still look cute though. =) At at Sakae Sushi, then headed home. (PS: Sakae sucks big time. And does Sakae means frog in japanese? Anyone can answer that?)
Friday, March 10, went to celebrate jolene's birthday, which was on March 8. Can't believe we're all hitting 20 this year. Mine's coming soon. Man, gonna miss the days in the tens. Anw, went to The Balcony at The Heerens to celebrate. I would say that the place is kind of cool. We didn't get to sit at the 2nd level, which looked awesome from outside. If we did get the chance that night, I think it would have been better. Drank lotsa different drinks. I drank the Cosmopolitan, which was presented in a rather cool manner. Eileen: Some Mint Choc thingy. Jolene: Alcohol in the form of antibiotics. Really, it's like antibiotics. Xr: Alcohol with citrus flavour I think. Siting: Lime alcohol. Ok, I don't remember the names of the drink, but that's the gist of it. Eileen has quite a low tolerance to alcohol, so she was all red-faced and had bloodshot eyes after half a cup. She kept saying, "Can't believe I'm so lousy." Haha. Cute. Noticed she wore braces. Said that she had it on for three weeks on. Continue to smile yup. I don't find anything wrong on smiling with braces. Chatted till 1230. Bought a Swatch watch as a gift for her, and it looked classy. They said they were preparing her for the corporate world since her poly life has come to a stop, so she must wear that when she works. Heh heh. (You better wear it!!!) Happy birthday jolene fu li shan.. You've always been a wonderful friend, and a funny one at it too. All the best!
Went out with weilien today. Ate at Ajisen Ramen. I've been craving for ramen .I really love ramen now. It's really nice! Tried the Black Pepper Beef Ramen. Awesome stuff. You guys should try it. Get Tori Katsu Ramen as well. It's pufferfish, but it tastes awesome. I'll be back there more often. Will definitely try all the nice ones and recommend. After the replenishment, went on to Kino to get xr her comic, and then to Swee Lee to get my guitar cable. (All I need is an amplifier now. Haha.) I feel kind of pathetic. I have the cable, but no amplifier. In case you're wondering why I only bought the cable, it's for my guitar tuner. I find tuning to be a breeze when I plug in the cable to both guitar and tuner. Wasn't sure if I bought the right one, but I just tried it and it works fine. So yeah, cool. Helped siting buy her Primary 1 test papers at the same time. Rendezvoused with her at taka, then set off in our separate ways. Spent the rest of the time talking in Coffee Bean, with a Vanilla Ice Blended (Caffeinated) by our side. Not bad.
Saw kaixin on the way back. She still looks as cute and perky as ever. Will catch up to you soon.
Been a really busy and fun week. Back to work tomorrow. Oh how I wish for ORD to come soon. Civilian life is really awesome. Heh.
Oh, john mayer's Stop This Train is uber awesome. Check it out here:'s on his next album, Continuum. Please come soon too!)
Stop This Train by
John MayerNo, I'm not colorblind
I know the world is black and white
Try to keep an open mind
Just can't sleep on this tonight
Stop this train
I wanna get off and go home again
Cant take the speed it's movin in
I know I cant
But honestly wont someone
Stop this train
Don't know how else to say it
Don't wanna see my parents go
One generations left for me
Findin life out on my own
Stop this train
I wanna get off and go homeagain
Can't take the speed it's movin in
I know I cant
But honestly wont someone
Stop this train
So green at gettin older
I'm only good at being young
So I play the numbers game
I find a way to say that
Life has just begun
Had a talk with my old man
Said help me understand
He said since 68
You renegotiate
Don't stop this train
Don't fall in bed and lose the place youre in
Don't think I couldn't ever understand
I tried my hand
John, honestly
We'll never stop this train
Once in awhile
When it's good
It will feel like it should
And they're all
Still around
And you're still safe and sound
And they don't miss a thing
So you cry as you're driving
Away in the dark
Just singing
Stop this train
I wanna get off and go homeagain
Cant take the speed it's movin in
I know I cant
Cos now I see
I'll never stop this train
9:13 PM
Wednesday, March 08, 2006
On Rice Bowls
You know, this may not be totally concerning only NSFs or Army, but I'm relating it to those right now. I've heard regulars speak about filling their rice bowls, on how much their work means to them. By rice bowls, it refers to the money raked in every month. We, the working people, work for our rice bowls, to ensure that night by night, it is not empty, that our stomachs remain arched, and the word starvation cease to exist. Unfortunately, are NSFs filling up their rice bowls?
It just doesn't seem fair to me. Sure, we get enlisted because we must protect our country, to provide that deterrence of attacks from foreign powers. We get together, no matter the religion or race in which each of us uniquely originate from, and harmonise as one. There may be a few racist jokes about here and there, but I've seen it in good fun and in the open. But, now ladies and gentlemen, the work that we are untrusted with, THAT doesn't seem to come with a good consolation to comfort our way of thinking. We get pushed around, placed with more responsibility and workload than we actually should have, and still get stepped on like we're insignificant little ants. I'm not saying everyone's like this in there, because. It's just, let me put it this way, MOST! If I were to describe their rice bowls, it'd be mountainous, because our rice are on theirs. Our pay is really not up to the actual value in the real working world. We are definitely worth much more than what we are being given now. It is definitely not a good impression that's left on me. More than a year has passed, and this is what's pressed on me. Sure, people might say I should give suggestions so that they can improve. I say no to that. Go ahead and try to think of it yourself. I'm sure that through the years of golden experience, you have something to say about it all. Yet, ironically, where'd all the good suggestions come from? Hmmm, ponder about that people.
I can only console myself with the fact that there's 8 months left. Hmm, let me make it sound better. 7 months, and 20-something days. Heh. Ok, enough with the rant. Time to say goodbye.
7:30 PM